Physical Activity
Maintaining regular exercise is a fantastic way to lose weight and improve your overall health and wellbeing. We run weekly group exercise classes it’s not only good for your fitness, but great fun too, with many people saying they made new friends.
Weight Management
We all know that healthy eating and a balanced diet is the key to staying in shape, but more often than not life gets in the way. That’s why we’ve combined the two, creating weekly sessions that include 45 minutes of exercise and 45 minutes of nutritional advice, where you can develop your fitness and knowledge of eating healthily.
Health Trainers
When it comes to staying fit and healthy, we all struggle to find the best place to start. With help from one of our friendly Health Trainers, there’ll be no looking back.
Workplace Wellbeing
Falls Prevention
NHS Health Checks
Stop Smoking
Using a combination of talking therapies and Nicotine Replacement Therapies we can help you kick the habit for good!