Falls Prevention

Our Falls Prevention course is one of our most popular programmes, helping hundreds of Southend residents improve their strength and balance every year! We are now focusing on prevention, therefore if you have not had a fall but you are worried about falling in the future this service is for you. The sessions are made up of 60 minutes strength and balance exercises, followed by a 30 minutes educational talk. Would you like to find out more about Falls Prevention and ways to reduce falls then give us a call on 0333 005 0095 and we can book you into a multifactorial risk assessment consultation with one of our Postural Stability Instructors.

Who can get help to prevent falls?

  • History of falls in the last 12 months
  • Fear of falling
  • Balance Problems/Feeling unsteady
  • 4 or more medications a day (number)
  • Use of a walking Aid
  • Medical condition that affects balance (Parkinson’s, Stroke, Dementia)
  • Osteoporosis:
  • Medically Stable/ any conditions under control:

If your are eligible for our Falls Prevention programme you will be booked into a group near you. This is a 24 week programme where you attend once a week for the duration of the programme. You will receive a falls assessment to identify all the things that may be contributing to this, as well as take part in a strength and balance exercise programme.