Service in the Spotlight – Adult Weight Management

Losing weight can be difficult, especially when you’re not sure where to start. Everyone Health’s Adult Weight Management service is designed to support individuals through every step of their weight loss including a 12-week period of nutrition and exercise classes to encourage whole-life behaviour changes that will result in long-term benefits.

The weekly group sessions are run by nutritionists and physical activity specialists. A Nutritionist is a degree qualified professional who can provide information about food, providing nutritional advice and education on healthy eating. The Physical Activity Specialist is a trained professional, who promotes physical activity for health and well-being purposes.

During our 1 ½ hour weekly sessions a variety of different topics such as portion sizes, eating habits and behaviours and the importance of exercise are covered following National Institute of Care and Excellence (NICE) guidelines. The groups are small in size which is proven to be beneficial as peer support can encourage service users to attend and complete the full programme. Don’t believe us? Below is just one of the many examples of positive case studies we receive from our service users on our Adult Weight Management programme.

“I discovered this course through the recommendation of both my GP and Social Prescriber, as I was seeking assistance in coping with depression. The programme has made a massive difference to my life – It was amazing! It has been a transformative experience for me. Over the course of 12 weeks, I managed to shed nearly 7 kg and witnessed a significant boost in energy levels. Additionally, my quality of sleep has greatly improved. Surprisingly, this is the first time in my life that I have genuinely found pleasure in exercising. As a result, I have gained a newfound sense of confidence and have had the pleasure of connecting with a wonderful group of individuals.  I am committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle by continuing with regular exercising. To enhance my fitness routine, I invested in a set of weights as it has become my preferred form of exercise. Furthermore, I am actively searching for exercise classes, as I thoroughly enjoy having a planned schedule. Overcoming the fear of the unknown was undeniably worth it; it stands as one of the best decisions I have made in recent times. I have acquired knowledge on how to effectively balance my diet, incorporating various helpful tricks that make maintenance easier. I have also become more mindful, not only about the foods I consume but also about how I approach eating itself. These practices have seamlessly integrated into my daily life, resulting in continuous weight loss without the feeling of being on a restrictive diet. It has become my natural way of living. I have also gained a deep understanding of the importance of exercise and have learned how to engage in physical activity effectively and safely”.

Joining our programme is easy! Simply call 0333 005 0095 or click here to visit our self referral page.

Written by Gemma Mason.

Last week I took my dog for a walk outdoors for the first time in nearly 2 years, previously I did not have the confidence or the ability to go for a walk with my dog, due to poor balance and fear of falling.
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