Our popular Falls Management service is now available throughout Castlepoint and Rochford. Building and maintaining strength and balance is vital for overall health and retaining our independence. During your 36 week course, our instructors will guide you through 60 minutes of gentle strength and balance exercise, followed by a 30 minute discussion. Our friendly instructor will guide you through your sessions and provide you with course materials for use at home.
Who can get involved?
Anyone living in the Castlepoint and Rochford areas who meets any of the following criteria:
- History of falls in the last 12 months
- Fear of falling
- Balance Problems/Feeling unsteady
- 4 or more medications a day (number)
- Use of a walking Aid
- Medical condition that affects balance (Parkinson’s, Stroke, Dementia)
- Osteoporosis:
- Medically Stable/ any conditions under control: