Trick or treat? Well hopefully no tricks and plenty of treats. But treats are where the excess of calories tend to hide. Yes, Halloween can be one of the most calorific celebrations with sweet treats being one of the main gifts that we tend to eat around this time.
Why not make Halloween healthier? There are some great healthy options we can make for our families that don’t rely on having to have a large supply of chocolate bars on hand.
Here are a few fun and simple recipes that can make your Halloween feast that little bit healthier:
Crispy Baked Apple Slices

Simply cut an apple into thin slices, dip in lemon juice and bake at 160 degrees for 40 minutes turning them half-way through. Then dust them with a sprinkle of cinnamon and you have a lovely healthy alternative to crisps
Pumpkin Houmous

Simply cut your pumpkin up into 2” squares and bake along with 5 cloves of garlic until soft and lightly caramelised. Transfer to a food processor with the juice of a fresh lemon, a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of chilli powder and blend until smooth (adding in a drop of water if the houmous is too thick). Serve with witch fingers (otherwise known as veg sticks).
Hot Spiced Apple Juice

Take one litre of cloudy apple juice and place in a saucepan with a cinnamon stick, 5 cloves, a pinch of sweet mixed spice and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Stir well then bring to a gentle simmer and keep at that temperature for around ten minutes before serving. Remember this is fruit juice and high in free sugars so recommended portion size should be a small cup or about half a standard mug.
Jack-o-Lantern stuffed peppers

Finely chop a large onion and one garlic clove and place in a hot pan with 400g of quorn mince and cook through until the quorn mince has browned and the onions have softened. Then add in half a cup of Passata or tomato juice and a good pinch of ground black pepper and mixed herbs and stir until the sauce has thickened. Take off the heat and mix in 200g of cooked brown rice.
Take four peppers, slice off the tops and remove the seeds. Cut Jack o lantern faces in the side of the peppers before you stuff with the quorn and rice mixture. Top with a small grating of cheese and place the top back on then bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes until heated through.
Banana Ghost Lollies

This one is really easy. Take a fresh firm banana and peel it. Cut it in half and stick it on a lolly stick. Dip in thick yoghurt and add 2 chocolate chips for eyes then place on a baking sheet and in the freezer until frozen and ready to eat.