Everyone Health says… #WalkthisMay Staff Challenge

National Walking Month has officially landed, and we couldn’t think of a better way to mark it with our very own Everyone Health says… #WalkThisMay VIRTUAL walking challenge. If you’re in the EH team and one to always hit your daily steps and close your rings, this is the challenge for them (and quite frankly, we need them!).

All Everyone Health Staff are challenged to virtually walk across England, making our steady way to each of our contract areas and their hotspots from our starting point of EH Head Office in Hinckley and back, which we’ve worked out to be a combined total of 2498.2 miles and we have the entire month of May to walk it together. We think that’s pretty do-able, right?

Taking part is simple. Each day, EH staff who are taking part will go for a walk to get those steps in and clock up your mileage at the end of every Friday and send this total over to the Marketing team where we can then calculate where we’ve reached altogether (and then let out a long, drawn-out sigh when we realise how far we’ve got left to go..).

The NHS recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week, and luckily for us – walking counts towards this amount. Walking is undeniably one of the best and underrated ways to get active – it’s completely free, accessible and a bit of you time to escape from the stresses of life. Whether you enjoy a leisurely, brisk or power walk, all methods can make such a difference to your health and wellbeing.

And it doesn’t end there – there is 2X gift vouchers worth £25 up for grabs! The person who snaps a picture of the most wackiest place they go walking in AND the person who walks the furthest is in to win a £25 gift voucher each to scratch that retail therapy itch and get those spendorphins going!

We’ve left below our route and which attractions we’re set to (virtually) visit! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled to our website and social media accounts where we’ll be keeping you updated every step (quite literally) of the way!

Be prepared to see the coastal views snapped by our Devon staff and cry in envy!

  • Hinckley Head Office – National Memorial Arboretum (Staffordshire) – 23.8 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Knowsley Hall and Estate (Knowsley) – 99.6 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Warwick Castle (Warwickshire) – 22.0 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Banksy Graffiti (Bristol) = 99.8 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Dartmoor National Park (Devon) – 197 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – South Hill Park (Bracknell Forest) – 92.6 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Windsor Castle (Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead) – 87.4 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Wimbledon Tennis Club (Merton) – 97.6 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Buckingham Palace (Westminster) – 93.3 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – The Shard (Southwark) – 95.3 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office- Lewis of London Farm (Barnet) – 81.7 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Southend Pier (Southend) – 127 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Kings College Chapel (Cambridgeshire) – 76.9 miles
  • Hinckley Head Office – Peterborough Cathedral (Peterborough) – 55.1 miles

Total mileage: 2498.2

Happy Walking all! *Digs out trainers and downloads step counter app*

I knew I needed to make some changes but this has given me the kick I needed
NHS Health Check Service
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