Everyone Health has been commission by Southend-on-Sea City Council to lead on NHS Health Checks in the local area. Our role will be to support G.P practices to deliver the screening programme to patients as well as increase take up by offering community clinics such as in workplaces.
What is an NHS Health Check?
A 20-30 minute screening check designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
What does the health check involve?
- Height, Weight and BMI
- Waist measurement
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Lifestyle questions
- Hba1c Blood Glucose level test
At the end of the health check you receive a risk score which indicates the likelihood of you developing a cardiovascular condition in the next 10 years. There will be the opportunity to discuss how making any relevant lifestyle changes could make a difference to the risk score as well as onward referrals into other services if appropriate.
Who is eligible for an NHS Health Check?
Anyone living, working or registered at a GP in Southend, aged between 40 – 74, who has not had an NHS Health Check in the past 5 years. NHS Health Checks are not available to those who are taking Statin medications or have been diagnosed with the following health conditions:
- Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 3-5)
- Diabetes (high blood glucose)
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Atrial Fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
- Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA – mini stroke)
- Hypercholesterolaemia (familial hypercholesterolaemia)
- Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Stroke

How often should you have a health check?
You should receive a letter from your GP surgery inviting you for a free NHS Health Check every 5 years. However if you do not receive a letter but think you are eligible please ring your G.P surgery to book in.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of having health checks within your workplace please contact us on [email protected]
For more information on the NHS Health Check go to https://www.healthcheck.nhs.uk/
Not eligible for an NHS Health Check?
We are able to offer lifestyle checks and Blood Pressure Checks to all demographics, some of whom may not be eligible for the full NHS Health Check.