What is Social Prescribing?
- The NHS recognise social prescribing is a key component of the NHS Long Term Plan. It enables local GPs and other local agencies to refer people to Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLW) within Primary Care Networks (PCNs). Social prescribing is tailored to the individual recognising health is not just physical but emotional and social too.
- SPLWs can be found within local GP teams. The aim is for the SPLW to spend time with the individual patients to address their needs in a holistic way, supporting and empowering the individual to take greater control of their own health by signpost to organisations and activities in Southend.
- Everyone Health is working closely with Southend City Council to ensure that providers are quality assured and able to sign up to the digital tool to be a part of this service. Providers will have the opportunity to increase their referrals into their services through a holistic approach.
- Visit your GP and they can refer you to a SPLW