What’s in season this October

The weather is colder and the nights are beginning to draw in, which means it’s now officially acceptable to unearth our slow-cookers and start plating up some comforting meals to keep us warm this Autumn. Luckily, there is still an array of fresh fruit and veg in season that we can throw into our Autumn dishes.

Keep reading to find out the freshest (and cheapest) ingredients to add to your shopping lists this October.


You just might be able to spot some pumpkins on your next trip to the shops. Not just for Halloween, pumpkins are for eating and are actually a delicious fruit (bet you didn’t know that!). We like adding this king of fruits to our slow-cooker curries and soups to warm us up on a chilly Autumn’s eve.


Does anything beat tucking into a slice of homemade apple crumble on an Autumn’s eve? We think not. Build up your autumnal apple supply and start adding them to your cooking: they work in a whole host of dishes like salads (if you’re still clinging on to summer), pies, and even your morning bowl of porridge – click here to see how you can create a bowl of spiced apple goodness to kickstart your day.


You don’t want to miss out on cooking with one of the signature fruits of Autumn. Similarly to their counterparts, pears can also work in a variety of sweet or savoury dishes. If you’re in need of some pear recipe inspiration, click here to find a recipe pear-fect for you!

Butternut squash

Butternut squash is the perfect vegetable for this time of year. Try it out in a creamy soup (that’s practically Autumn in a bowl), a warming risotto or simply roasted as a healthy side dish for your table.


There’s no excuses to not get your greens in now it’s broccoli season! Broccoli’s versatility means it can be steamed, fried, boiled or roasted, and served in a range of tasty dishes from pasta and noodles, to soups and salads. Over at Everyone Health, we’re thoroughly enjoying this salmon and broccoli pasta that’s on the table in less than half an hour.


The most versatile vegetable on the market is back, and in perfect timing for roast season! Roasted, mashed, baked or boiled – how do you like your spuds? At just 70p per kg, make sure your cupboards are stocked up on this staple superfood. 

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