Chag Pesach Sameach

The 5th April marks the beginning of Passover or Pesach, one of the most important festivals in Judaism. Passover, gets its name from when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt and God unleashed 10 plagues on Egypt. The 10th plague was the death of every firstborn son. God told Moses to tell the Israelites to mark their doors with lambs’ blood so God would “pass over” their homes and let their firstborn sons live. Celebrations last for seven or eight days depending on where you live.

During Passover, my friend Hannah invited me to join her family for a meal, this included matzah an unleavened bread, it looks a little like a water cracker. Jewish people don’t eat bread and any other foods containing grains that have risen or fermented, such as pasta or cakes. According to Jewish tradition, when fleeing Egypt, the Israelites couldn’t make bread as there was no time for the dough to rise. Lots of wine or as I don’t drink alcohol, red grape juice was served and stories of the liberation were shared, called the Haggadah.

Throughout the week of Passover Hannah and her family will say special prayers and give thanks, it’s a way of connecting with their past but also celebrating their families traditions and culture.

I would like to thank Hannah and her family for taking me into their home and sharing their traditions with me.

Very engaging, interactive. The session went very quickly which is a good sign that we enjoyed the workshop :)
MECC Training Attendee
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