Do you comfort eat?

This month is stress awareness month and a common way to help relieve stress is to eat. Sometimes called comfort eating or emotional eating it’s something we are all guilty of at times. Every Hollywood movie ever sees our heroine reaching for a bucket of ice cream the moment she faces a stressful situation. What

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Ramadan Mubarak 

The 22nd March sees the start of Ramadan, a time when Muslims across the globe will remember the month the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.   Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims will fast, won’t eat or drink, during the hours of daylight and most will try give up

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What Can You do with an Egg?

How do you like your eggs in the morning? Scrambled, fried, poached.. however you may like them, there’s no denying that eggs are the ultimate superfood. In fact did you know they’re so nutritious, they’re often referred to as ‘nature’s multi-vitamin’ as they contain Vitamin A, B3, B5. B12, phosphorus and selenium? Whether you have

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Would You Take the Plunge Into Cold-Water Swimming?

Cold-water swimming has been the latest craze to sweep the UK, and now finally residents of Southend can join in. Everyone Health Southend, who are in partnership with Southend City Council, will be offering a FREE taster session of cold-water swimming to their staff and any volunteers wanting to dip their toes into the latest

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Hi Ryan. Further to our 2 sessions/90 mins to-date. I just wanted to thank you for your professional yet empathetic approach. The meetings have already clearly identified my failings and have left me inspired, motivated and on track with realistic targets towards a fitter future. Looking forward to our next session
Health Trainer Service
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