Would You Take the Plunge Into Cold-Water Swimming?

Cold-water swimming has been the latest craze to sweep the UK, and now finally residents of Southend can join in. Everyone Health Southend, who are in partnership with Southend City Council, will be offering a FREE taster session of cold-water swimming to their staff and any volunteers wanting to dip their toes into the latest

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Exercise for health

Exercise comes in many shapes and forms, whether it is going to the gym, taking part in a group exercise class, going for a swim or simply going for a run outside or joining a club of your preferred sport.  These are forms of exercise we normally do routinely and build as part of a

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National Fitness Day

Join us on Wednesday 22nd September for National Fitness Day! National Fitness Day is your day to try some physical activity. Whether you like a walk in the park or want to sign up to a new yoga class near you. There are lots of things you can do to incorporate physical activity into your

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After twelve weeks of the programme, I have lost 6.3kg, my BMI is lower and I have trimmed 10 cm from my waist. There is now so much hope going forward.
Adult Weight Management service user
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